Friday, October 10, 2008


I just wanted to post an update about Waylon's dad, my father-in-law. For those who didn't know, this past Sunday evening he was in a bad motorcycle accident and was taken to the hospital in San Antonio and was in the Sever Trauma ICU. He broke several bones in his face and his collar bone and had bleeding in his brain as well as swelling in the brain. We got the call halfway through the day on Monday and Waylon and I left as soon as the school got a substitute in there for me. When we got down there, the doctors were not giving him a very good prognosis. They were saying it didn't look good and weren't giving him good chances of survival. Well, I'm happy to report that by Wednesday when I left to come home, the bleeding and swelling in the brain were gone, he was able to open his eyes that were previously swollen shut, he could hear us and follow commands and he was moving his legs quite a bit on his own. He was still on a ventilator so he is unable to speak yet and wasn't conscious for long periods at a time but he did know we were there and made huge improvments. He has basically cleared the "critical" zone as far as the doctors not knowing if he will pull through - it should be moving forward from here on out. While they haven't given us details, we do know just from the extent of his injuries that it will be a long recovery. His family has been great about going down and seeing him and Mitzi, his wife has been by his side at every visiting hour time slot. Waylon stayed one day after I left and I know it was hard for him to leave his father but we did have to get back home and work. :( It was a tough week but God was at work and so many of our friends and family were praying. We are so thankful to all who lifted Don and his family up in prayers. We are also thankful to the Lord for once again showing how loving He is and that He is watching over us and listening to our prayers.
Keep praying for his continual recovery and thanks again to all who remember him in your prayers!

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